Rebecca Clark

Welcome! I study metabolic physiology and ecology in two insect groups, wing-dimorphic field crickets and leafcutter ants.

I ask (1) how nutrients affect growth and physiological allocation (i.e. how do different nutrients get to different parts of the body or organism?); and (2) how nutrition and behavior interact to drive function and growth of complex social groups. For example, how do ant queens balance between foraging vs. tending their young, to grow a new leafcutter colony? Details in my research statement (pdf).

I also develop analytical tools to characterize behavior and nutritional physiology, using R. My Learn R page contains resources for those getting started with R, plus links to workshops I have organized. Contact me if you are interested in having me teach a workshop.

Research Projects

Research Methods

My research is funded by the public, so I try to make methods freely available via Flickr:


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